mostly automatic & can be done for free
guaranteed 💰 yield over time if executed
the $ is a byproduct of the value spawned & shared
be aware that human creations is generally valued more than ai creations
choose a path below
~ 2 to 15 minutes
speedrun ~ 37 sec
1) click here to generate script
expand one of them to ~80 words
copy text
2) head to 11 labs
sign up / log in
find cool voice
shove in text from step one
generate & download mp3
(if needed edit mp3 using wavacity)
(optionally obtain 11 labs API key)
3) fire up heygen
sign up / log in
select avatar (scroll down for free ones)
(optionally integrate 11 labs API key here)
upload mp3 from step 2 (assets @ left side)
add video elements (ez logo & text)
generate & download video
3.5) use this tool to remove watermark (or $)
3.6) add captions automatically using capcut
4) upload @ tt, yt, igr & ss
/ use repurpose to upload @ multiple platforms at once
5) contact webmaster to get $
instructions here & here
6) repeat
→ rake in views (automatically)
→ obtain tt cf &/ ytp eligibility
→ automatic $$$
~ 4 to 25 minutes
speedrun ~ 2 min
start here
tools: heygen, invideo (& vizard)
(all free, this or $ to remove watermark)
also useful: capcut, express & 11 labs
(free, no watermark)
⛵ more: ai video, ai image & editors
(work with exciting clips, inspiration: 1 & 2)
spawn videos → upload @ tt, yt, igr & ss
(use repurpose to upload @ multiple platforms at once)
→ rake in views
→ obtain tt cf &/ ytp eligibility
~ 5 to 30 minutes
speedrun ~ 3 min
obtain openai & 11 labs & pexels api keys
go here (sign in) → press ▷ to start
(/ go here if you want to run it locally)
(after it started)
find & open the (public) url
(ctrl/cmd + f → 'public url')
→ config tab → paste api keys
→ add assets in the asset library tab
(for example this one as background video)
acquire cool voice from here
→ content automation tab → run
→ upload @ tt, yt, igr & ss
(use repurpose to upload @ multiple platforms at once)
→ rake in views
→ obtain tt cf &/ ytp eligibility
~ 6 to 35 minutes
speedrun ~ 4 min
not so automatic
best combined with the above
obtain (video-)camera (here)
(&/ smartphone)
use it
(on nature, exciting things, w/e)
slice & share
(using the tools in the guides above)
develop valuable skills
→ (co)create & share value